Having Intentional Meetings in homes is not a peripheral component of church life, but a vital context whereby authentic relationships, family and discipleship take place.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And be-hold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20

The great commission is paramount to the way we express ourselves as a church. As leaders we have prayerfully considered the best way to prioritize a discipleship culture. Discipleship is not a side topic, it’s what Jesus left us to do. Go and make disciples.

We have intentionally called our gatherings in homes ‘Glory City Church Groups’ (or Church Groups for short).

All of our church groups have appointed leaders that have gone through our training as well as having their own leader(s) who they relate to for support and accountability.

The multiplication of church groups is the primary growth strategy of the community. As we train church group leaders to make disciples and plant new church groups, a web of multiplying church groups will eventuate that will have a limitless capacity to grow.

When a group of people gather together in homes to "devote themselves to the apostles teaching, fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers" (Acts 2:42), it is a genuine expression of church.

We value intimacy and relational visibility. Church groups are the place where people belong and are cared for by their church group leader and the members of the church group. As we grow, it is too easy for people to feel lonely amongst the crowds. Church groups are designed to be the place to cultivate healthy relationships and a family dynamic that won’t dilute as we grow.

A typical church group gathering will consist of:

  • Valuing the presence of God
  • Fellowship – koinonia
  • Teaching
  • Equipping
  • Communion
  • Prayer
LeanyerYoung Adults - Monday 7pm



Glory HubWomen - Wednesday 9am




MalakMixed - Wednesday 7:00pm

Tom & Grace



GrayMixed - Thursday 7pm

Phil & Pauline

Karama Leaders - Tuesday Fortnight 7:00pm


Glory HubProphetic Team - Monday Fortnight 7:00pm


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Church Group